Food delivery app
- seateats -

My Role:
Team Size:

UX Research, Visual Design
12 Weeks
Web Application
5 people

SeatEats is basically a delivery app like UberEats and DoorDash. However, there is a difference, especially it is possible to deliver to users' seats. This app can log in with a social ID like other delivery apps, and everything is possible only in the app without having to wait in line or leave their seats for food at the restaurant around the sports stadium. Users can simply put their information like stadium name and seat number into the app and order food without any missing games. My team members and I found various problems and user needs based on GDD and were able to organize and design apps based on the results.

GDD(Goal-Directed Design) Process

Goal-Directed Design is a design process designers undergo in order to gain a better understanding of users and their goals. This process allows designers to research the domain of their product, its users, and to learn how to create a product that allows users to easily achieve their goals. The Research Phase of Goal-Directed Design sets the basis for creating an effective product. I conducted research through team meetings, online research, and interviews conducted with potential users. I recruited a small sample of four college students ranging in ages and demographic backgrounds for interviews in order to acquire enough information to specify user goals and expectations.


What I gathered from Kickoff Meeting with teammates is that our target audience is people who love sports and enjoy watching sports in the sports arena, who want a more convenient way to get food and beverage on the arena and a better environment and system. This product will ideally be a tool that people can access every arena whenever they desire during the game time, they can choose many kinds of food around each arena, and be able to track when the rider is coming and where the rider is now through a map in the app.

I hope an app like this will be successful, and various arena where people are enthusiastic and interested will no longer have many crowds of accidents or complexities, and people will experience a higher-quality environment by watching the games using SeatEats.

An assumption that, if proven false will cause my project to fail, would be if the riders hired by each restaurant do not work properly or are not familiar with the manual, so customers do not receive food on time or the food goes missing, and each manager of the restaurants are unwilling to devote time in order to make an improvement.


The goal of this application is to provide a service for sports fans to order food without moving in their seats while watching the games, creating a comfortable environment for them and giving them an environment where they can focus more on sports games. Sports business in the United States is huge worldwide and many people spend a lot of money watching sports. The Super Bowl, which is held in various cities each time, attracts a large crowd in each city. Watching sports events, people want to focus solely on watching sports and block other distractions. And they enjoy watching games and drinking and eating food. In the past, before smartphones were created, all spectators would have to go to restaurants to buy food and drinks. Then the floating population in the stadium will increase and the stadium will be packed and disorderly due to the large crowd. Although many sports games have been restricted and visitors have not been able to participate due to the risk of Covid-19 over the past year, various non-face-to-face services are expected to be developed and vitalized after the pandemic.


In order to understand what market we are competing in, we evaluated our top competitors on how they approach the topic of food delivery through their apps. It also helped us understand what features we will need to include in our final product as well as what details we need to add in order to stand out against competitors. The top competitors of the app are SeatServe and VenueNext.

Seat Serve is an iOS and Android mobile application for real-time in-stadium concession ordering and fulfillment. An end-to-end solution, Seat Serve allows fans the option to order both food and merchandise directly from their smartphone. Additionally, the app gives customers the ability to track their orders in real-time. What distinguishes Seat Serve from other mobile order applications is its real-time functionality - the ability to distribute orders to multiple kitchens and runners simultaneously, while keeping the customer updated as order status changes.

VenueNext has raised $9 million to roll out an app to change the way fans experience live venues. The company just closed its Series A, with participation from strategic investors. VenueNext builds tools designed to help spectators and venue operators easily manage live events. Each venue that licenses the VenueNext technology has its own spectator-facing app, as well as a backend platform for the venue itself to use. On the spectator side, the company’s app focuses on improving five core experiences: access to the stadium, eating and drinking, finding your way (parking and directions), loyalty programs, and exclusive, live, in-app content for fans at the event.



Jordan is a sports fan but he goes to sports games twice a year. He doesn't like large crowds or long lines and doesn't want to spend a lot of money on food at sports events. His goal should be desirable food, not generic concessions food, and avoid contact with many people due to long lines.

-Goal -

• Food that is desirable, not generic concessions food
• Does not want to interact with people a lot
• Avoid crowds/long lines
• Easy sports arena experience


Sheryl is a fan of sports and often goes to watch the games. When she stands up from her seat, she tries not to annoy the audience around her. She is also concerned that she has to miss the game when she is thirsty or hungry while watching it, and that the long line never gets shortened even if she goes during the break time between the quarters. She wants to find the right time to order food and drinks at the stadium and wants the overall comfort of watching.

-Goal -

• Acquiring food without having to leave their seat.
• Being able to enjoy a game without going hungry or thirsty.


John is a big fan of intense sports. He arrives at the stadium early to get ahead of the line at the food stand or move ahead before the quarter is over. He doesn't mind being a food giver for the group, but he thinks it's hard to know what food is available to him. He said it's good to have navigation in the stadium because he gets lost every time he goes to the stadium and wants to avoid contact with too many people.

-Goal -

• Engage in sporting events
• Socialize with friends

The Problem / vision Statement

Getting food at sporting events can be a hassle. Sporting event attendees have grappled with being able to enjoy a game while also being accommodated. Trying to order food with crowds of people, standing in long lines, and missing the game makes it difficult for attendees to even want to order food at a sporting event. For years, it has been difficult for attendees to access food and beverage without having to leave their seat. When a person is forced to leave their seat, they must squeeze their way through narrow rows in the audience. This creates stress for both the person exiting the seating areas and the people who are trying to watch the game. Since most stadiums seating structures are steep, this could also pose as a falling hazard for the person trying to navigate through the audience. There are even people who don’t bother getting food or drink because the long and arduous journey to the concession stands are too much of a hassle.

With SeatEats, people at sports arenas can easily order food from the comfort of their own seat! This helps with traffic, long lines, and not missing any game-time. SeatEats is here to accommodate the customer, so they can have the best food experience possible at a sports arena. This will dramatically improve the sports arenas’ customer satisfaction ratings and lead to increased market share.

Requirements List

1. Payment Options
2. Arena / Section / Seat locator
3. List of food options
4. Map of arena?
5. Delivery time updates / location tracker

6. Help button form
7. Review options
8. Shopping cart
9. Communication method with delivery person
10. Search bar

Based on the following research: assumptions, literature reviews, competitor analysis, personas, and problem/vision statements, I was able to start a requirements list.

Paper Prototype Wireframe

After organizing the requirements list, my team started a paper wireframe that would configure the app to meet the GDD process and we took charge of the functions we want. This brought us to conduct rough prototyping. Completing each teammate's framework, we connected the functions of each framework and complemented functions for the app's configuration.


As proceeded with the food delivery app project for sports lovers at the arena, felt the need for a Goal-Directed Design process, which helped the efficiency of the app production and deliver more complete results to users. During the entire app production phase, the data studied and collected with team members using the GDD process had a positive impact on the hi-fidelity prototype. I also realized that the GDD process can be applied in various projects (not only app development) as well as in the projects we worked on.Test Prototype