information design

My Role:

Information Research, Visual Design
4 Weeks
Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop

The purpose of this project is to help students and faculty in colleges protect themselves from Covid-19. The primary reason for Covid-19 infections has been the careless activities of those who are already infected and the complacency of those who are not. Therefore, this project aims to educate people on how Covid-19 spreads and how to prevent and protect against the virus.

The purpose of this project is to assist people who must stay at home due to Covid-19, those who have symptoms, and their families. Covid-19 has significantly altered people's lifestyles. With early departures from work, telecommuting, and self-quarantine, more people find themselves spending extended periods at home. Therefore, I created this infographic to share a list of At-Home Activities that can be enjoyed within their homes.