Heuristic evaluation
- Passaplate -

My Role:

Usability Test
4 Weeks
Microsoft PowerPoint

This website made by Will2Way Foundation Inc permits families with children to request a meal through this website's service or by e-mail during non-school hours when the child would ordinarily not have access to meals. In arrange for children to get such services, this website has to find sponsors and receive donations. Structurally, charities must persuade sponsors to donate in order to run their organization stably. To do so, the correct design and structure of the web/app are critical. With that in mind, I proceeded with a usability test of this website.

1. Visibility of system status
Links in the navigation bar provide no feedback when hovered over, as well as not being linked to anything. This problem can cause confusion for the user, leaving the user questioning their sequence of actions. The user inevitably will spend more time trying to figure out what the issue is than actually completing their intended task.

2. Match between system and the real world
The images, for the links that connect to information and forms on sponsorship, partnership, and enrolling a child, do not match the real-world description of those categories. For example, the image for the "Partner" link is a photo of food dishes. This isn't a major issue, but as the website becomes more robust, it can cause the user to bypass it not thinking that the link has any relation to becoming a partner for the foundation, due to the way humans muddle through content on web pages. These slips elicit more time on the website.

3. User control and freedom
After clicking on links that direct the user to information on sponsorship, partnership, and enrolling a child, a pdf file is brought up instead of a webpage. This brings opens a new tab and takes the user away from the site with no other option to return to the site other than clicking on the previous tab. This constraint creates confusion amongst the user.

4. Consistency and standards
The "Get social with us" phrase should be rephrased to give the user a better understanding of what it is you want them to do. A phrase like "Follow us on our social media accounts" or "Stay up to date on news and events by following us on all social media platforms" would have been better phrased to use. The phrase isn't terrible, just could have been worded better to better help the user understand what the system is telling the user to do.

5. Error prevention
There is no signifier or memo that notifies the user that the links are not available/don't work. The user is then subjected to confusion and ends up continuously trying to click the links that obviously don't work. This wastes the time of the user and will frustrate the user causing them to abort their intended action and leave the site altogether.

6. Recognition rather
than recall

Basically, it is a donation website, so this website should appeal to people to become sponsors. People will not press the button just because it is easy to find the "donate" button. To make it more reliable, the developer of 'Pass A Plate' should use advanced coding literacy to further the website.

7. Flexibility and
efficiency of use

The design should be easier to use for all the user groups, but the process required by this website may be a struggle for someone. Installing apps on smartphones and creating accounts can be a tough process for someone, and in the process, sponsors can change their minds.

8. Aesthetic and
minimalist design

There is no relevant data the users want and no emotional appeal as a donation website. Upload digital media like photos or videos of children who get the help of sponsors or partners to the website to show children's changed and brighter daily lives.

9. Help users recognize,
diagnose, and recover
from errors

This website does not have enough content to recognize, diagnose and recover from errors such as login systems, email systems, and payment systems.

10. Help and documentation
No matter how simple and intuitive a website is, a manual is necessary for every website. However, this website is not intuitive and difficult to proceed without help. Needs to pay more attention to users who need a manual. There should be a step-by-step link to how to do something. This is why help and documentation are very important for better user experience.